Saving Automatically with Banking (with Andia Dinesen)

Saving Automatically with Banking (with Andia Dinesen)

Military Saves Month 2020 begins today. Each week there’s a theme to bring awareness to the importance of spending less than you make and saving money. In this show, we talk about how to start saving automatically with banking. Given the pandemic the world is facing now, it’s more important than ever to save money and be prepared for your future. My guest today is here to talk about ways to save automatically using banking. Andia Dinesen is not only a fellow milspouse and AFC, but she’s also the Executive Vice President for Communications and Operations for the Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA). We have a great conversation about the importance of setting your savings up to be automatic.

Thank You!

Thank you to the Association of Military Banks of America for supporting The Military Money Show. You can learn more about AMBA and how they help the military community in banking here.

Saving Automatically with Banking Episode Details

  • The top reasons why you should be saving money
  • How to set up automatic savings
  • Money-saving mistakes to avoid
  • How AMBA helps the military community with money
  • The purpose of AMBA
  • How can banks help save automatically
  • What are some other ways people can save automatically
  • The Veterans Benefits Banking Program (VBBP)
  • Lacey’s bank nostalgia
  • Ways to save money at banks

Saving Automatically with Banking Resources

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