Practical Wealth Building (with Rocky Lalvani)

Practical Wealth Building (with Rocky Lalvani)

Many people don’t see building wealth as a possibility for themselves. And if they do, many feel that it’s something they will work on later in life. But building wealth can be similar than you think and you should start sooner than you think. My guest today is here to talk about building wealth in a practical way. Rocky Lalvani is not only a friend and fellow podcaster, but he’s also a financial expert who helps entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their businesses, profitably. He’s the creator and host of Richer Soul, a podcast about life beyond money. The show helps people find harmony with health, wealth, time, relationships and spirituality. I had the chance to catch up with Rocky while we were both attending Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. I always love talking with Rocky, he’s a smart guy with a lot of knowledge to share. In this show, we talk about the power of compounding and how people can be practical about building wealth.

Practical Wealth Building Episode Details

  • What everyone should know about money
  • The power of compounding interest
  • Automating your wealth-building
  • Why you should never borrow money from your retirement accounts
  • Why you need to handle money problems now
  • How to plan and invest your raises
  • The perfect time to learn how to invest
  • Making investment decisions easy and simple
  • How money conversations can help avoid money problems
  • Savings for retirement vs paying for college
  • The choices and tradeoffs of spending
  • The 1% change discussion
  • What money story are you creating?
  • The money mistakes you should avoid

Practical Wealth Building Resources

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