Finish Strong With An End Of Year Review

in Reviews & Random by Lacey Langford, AFC®

The end of 2016 is here, and it’s time for an end of year review.  This year has been a roller coaster for me. Now that I think of it, it’s been crazy since the end of 2014 when my husband started his terminal leave from the Army. Since then, there has been a high amount of transition in our lives. We’ve had two moves since then, my husband has changed jobs, our kids have changed schools twice, I’ve relocated my business twice, and started a contract with the Navy that has me traveling at least once a month. When life is crazy, we tend to focus on the negative—the things we didn’t accomplish or that weren’t great. But it’s important to take the time to remember the success in your life—the accomplishments and wins you’ve had.  Taking a moment to let go of the craziness and hone in on what made you feel great this year.

Finish Strong With An End Of Year Review

A good exercise to focus on the positive is to complete a review of your wins before starting the New Year. Because once we’re in the next year, the focus will be on goals and what we want to accomplish. Take some time now to write out all of the things you accomplished, or that you’re proud, you did in 2016. It may take some pondering but keep at it until you have at least 15. Be sure to put them someplace safe, so you’ll have them to look at later.

Lacey’s End Of Year Review

Here are some of my successes and proud moments of 2017. end of year review Look forward to 2017 but take a breath and enjoy all of your special moments. By looking at all you’ve accomplished, it will put you in the right mindset and ready for great success in 2017. Share some of your successes in the comments below, I’d love to hear them!

Happy New Year!